Online Courses & Trainings
Online Courses
A Journey through the 12 Steps Video Course
This self paced video course will take you through all 12 Steps, using Kundalini Yoga, meditation, breathing, writing, and action steps. Sign up below to receive lifetime access to all 20 videos. Included with each course is email access to Rachel for guidance and support, as well as the Step 4 Inventory Guide.
Email if you’d like to receive the first video for free! KY12info@gmail.com
What’s in each 1.5 hour video?
One to two kriyas
Three to five meditations
the KY12 perspective on the Step
Rachel’s personal stories
Writing prompts and time to write
The entire KY12 Step 4 process
Cost for all 20 videos: $150
Find out more about the development of the Journey through the 12 Steps Video Course in this blog:
Compassionate Inventory:
A Fourth Step Journey through the Chakras and Emotions
The Fourth Step of 12 Step recovery involves making a fearless, compassionate inventory of yourself, your emotions, and your past. In this 9 video course, you will take a journey through the seven chakras, and the seven difficult emotions, using Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, written work, guided visualizations, and mantras. You’ll identify how the emotions show up in your body, which chakra they are related to, who in your life has been affected by them, and what support they need to resolve and heal. A 47 page ebook is included in the course.
This course is part of a larger program called Embodying the 12 Steps: Kundalini Yoga for Recovery. It is recommended that you take the 1.5 hour KRI course called Embodying the 12 Steps: Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for Freedom from Addiction (see below), which takes you through Steps 1 through 3, but this course can also stand on its own as a way to work with difficult emotions in an embodied, chakra-based approach.
Concepts covered in this 7 hour course:
Learn embodied practices to work with each chakra and each emotion
Dialogue with your difficult emotions in a compassionate way to learn what they need
Work through fear, desire, anger, grief, depression, guilt and shame through writing, movement, breath and meditation
Develop new ways to work with difficult past experiences and set yourself up for a more healed and integrated future
Embodying the 12 Steps: Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for Freedom from Addiction
We are all on a healing journey and so often ISSUES & CHALLENGES arise for us to work through.
By combining the power of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with the wisdom of the 12 Steps of Recovery we can fully embody these meditative and practical tools. We can then heal and continue our evolution towards personal freedom.
We can remember we are divine and that all our problems are teachers to guide us to our highest potential.
Concepts covered in this 1.5 hour course:
This course focuses on the first three steps of Recovery viewed through the lens of personal empowerment using Meditations, Mantras & Kriyas specifically for embodying the first three steps
1st Step: Challenges are our greatest teachers
2nd Step: Because of this, hope, health and sanity are available to us, even at our darkest moments, and
3rd Step: When we remember that the divine is within us, we gain the courage and strength to heal and evolve through any problem
KY12 Trainings
Coming Soon……