Embodying the 12 Steps:
Kundalini Yoga for Recovery
A Journey of Healing through Yoga, Meditation, Writing, and Action
Why KY12
If you’re anything like me, your recovery journey has its ups and downs and stops and starts. Sometimes you need a new perspective, an inspiring mantra, or a new practice to kick start the process again. KY12 combines the embodied practices of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation with the support of the 12 Steps, offering a gentle, compassionate & uplifted approach to your unique recovery path.
The Mission
To share the practical wisdom of the 12 Steps with yoga practitioners, and to bring Kundalini yoga sets, meditations, and lifestyle ideas to people in 12 Step programs or in recovery from addiction, dysfunctional behavior, health issues, or difficult relationships. This program helps people in recovery learn to use their body in the recovery process, as well as facilitates a safe and supportive community for yogis in recovery.
Get the Workbook
This workbook contains powerful, embodied practices to help those recovering from addiction find a deeper mind-body-spirit connection.
Events Calendar
Check out the calendar for upcoming events such as:
Special KY12 Presentations
KY12 Training
Journey Through the 12 Steps for Women
KY12 Videos
Check out sample KY12 meetings, classes, and informative videos.
What People Are Saying
“As a person in recovery and a yoga practitioner, I gained deep integration of these two healing modalities through the workbook and yearlong program Embodying the 12 Steps. I highly recommend this workbook for people seeking a deeper experience of recovery.” - Michelle R.
“KY12 is a valuable program for anyone dealing with addiction. I am very impressed with the initial results of the program evaluation.” - Julie K. Staples, Ph.D
“The KY12 program has been a life-changing and authentic road map of recovery through beautiful Kundalini kriyas, mantras, and meditations that have helped me reconnect to my soul, free stuck chakras, increase self-awareness, and learn to forgive, love myself, and have healthier relationships.” - Laura M.
Setup a Free 20 Minute Consultation
Rachel Surinderjot Kaur is available to work with individuals and groups. Reach out to schedule a 20 minute consultation to find out how she might support you and your recovery.