Embodying the 12 Steps: Kundalini Yoga for Recovery

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Journey at your own pace

I have now taken the Journey through the 12 Steps three times. The first time, in 2019, was before publishing the Workbook, to fine tune the manuscript and conduct the experiment on myself. I experienced firsthand the profound changes and healing that are available when you combine the 12 Steps with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. The following year, in 2020, I walked the Journey with the first group of women to join the program. We took a full year together, starting in person in January, then meeting over Zoom once the pandemic began. Thanks to Zoom, I began recording each session in April, capturing the KY12 Step 4 practices and approach. In 2021, I guided another group of women, from all over the US, Canada and the UK, entirely over Zoom, and was able to record the sessions that had not been recorded in 2020 - but decided not to walk the Journey myself. And then in 2022, I felt it was time to access the deep healing and transformation available again, with a new group of women, using the 16 videos I had created over the previous 2 years, with the goal of completing the 12 Steps in 6 months. And I am so grateful that I did. 

2022 started out rough, especially in my relationship with my husband, and over the first 6 months of the year, much has been healed as I did the work of the 12 Steps, complemented by the embodied practices of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. During that time, I went from blaming him for my unhappiness, not trusting his good intentions, always looking for his faults, creating suffering for us both…to traveling overseas with him as I made amends for my own part in our difficulties. Taking responsibility for my own happiness. Working as a team as we traversed the countries of Georgia and Turkey. Forgiving him (and myself) for not being “perfect.” I went deeper into the Steps than I ever had, and received more blessings and transformation that I ever had as well.

It was a whirlwind to walk through all 12 Steps in 6 months, and not everyone who started in January made it through them by the time we reached the end of June. I realized that journeying through the Steps is a very individual path, and that trying to make everyone fit into one timeline left some people out. So the idea came to make the Zoom videos that I’ve created over two year’s worth of Journeys into a self paced video course. 

I am now honored to be able to offer all 16 videos that comprise the Journey for anyone (men included!) to access at any time. Using these videos, you can work on any issue (addiction, mental or physical health issues, relationships, self sabotaging behavior, etc) and in any program (AA, NA, Al-Anon, CoDA, OA, etc; or no program at all). You can be brand new to the Steps, or working them for the tenth time. And now you don’t have to wait for a new group to start - you can take the Journey whenever you are ready, and move at your own pace. One Step a month? Two Steps a month? 6 Steps in a year? Follow your inner guidance, and access each video as you are ready.

The one challenge with this approach is that you won’t have a community of support around you, walking the Journey with you. So to ameliorate that, I am offering email support and guidance at no extra cost as you progress through the videos. And you can of course always request private Zoom sessions with me. Additionally, there are women who have gone through the Journey who may be available to sponsor you at no cost. Reach out to find out more about any of these options.

I wrote the KY12 Workbook because I felt it was my life’s work to offer this program to the world, and I knew I couldn’t reach everyone personally who could benefit from it. A book could find its way into the hands of many. These videos now go the next Step to share yoga sets, meditations, personal stories, guided visualizations, writing prompts, and more, with anyone who wants to access them. May they support you on your Journey, and may they reach all those searching for an embodied recovery. Sat Nam.

Find out more about the Journey through the 12 Steps Video Course HERE